The Holocaust memorial in Klooga underwent extensive restoration in 2013 before the Estonian History Museum outdoor exhibition The Klooga camp and the Holocaust was opened to visitors. The open air exhibition was prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia and the Jewish Community of Estonia. The exhibition provides an overview of the Holocaust in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe, as well as of the Klooga concentration camp, the mass murder of 19 September 1944 and the commemoration of the victims. The huge concrete blocks bearing the exhibition texts (in Estonian, English and Russian) symbolise the Klooga concentration camp – the prisoners manufactured, among other things, concrete elements for the military industry of Nazi-Germany. The authors of the architectural part of the exhibition areMari Rass and Diana Taalfeld. A number of concrete blocks, which are merged with the landscape, are tied into a whole by individual monuments erected at different times, creating a modern, architecturally diverse and visitor-friendly environment.
Curator: Olev Liivik
Consultants: Ruth Bettina Birn, Tõnis Liibek, Meelis Maripuu
Language editor: Hille Saluäär
Translation into English and Russian: Refiner Translations OÜ
English language editor: Ruth Bettina Birn
Russian language editor: Einar Värä
Architectural design: Mari Rass, Diana Taalfeld, Jüri Rass (EA Reng AS)
Graphic design: AKU
Construction works: KRTL OÜ / Lemminkäinen Eesti AS
Project managers: Sirje Karis, Heinu Klaas, Inge Laurik-Teder

Source: The exhibition The Klooga camp and the Holocaust, 2013